Saturday 17 March 2012

5 secrets of successful work at home

You  decided to take the plunge to start your own business, work at home. Congratulations, you are under the very strong trend growth rate of small business owner in the United States to work at home. However, before the first customer to interview your busy, and tries to get the network connection, wait, they will not understand what you need in order to work successfully from home.

Here, about how I grew up in a marketing company, some secret, from the comfort of my home office northern suburbs of Dallas, Texas based on the local in order to provide services to customers in the United States, all have been.

1. You set the routin
My first secret is a routine work for you and your customers. In eight of the clock for 17 hours, if you want to work with overseas clients in particular, it does not work for everyone. So you know, you can create a routine you commit, it is time for work and only work. If you are to work in your home business is a start that this routine is Tom distraction, please need me. Skype is a good time, when you contact us via e-mail or telephone, as well as your customers know. They like to know when people were able to contact you for business, which is consistent with your business hours. Placing it in your location is not only good if you are using the routine business of your new home, there is a sense of stability.

2. Make Planning

I had planned the day before my important in order to work at home successfully. Know what to do while centralized call start time and phone calls of my working days, I get more work. Also, I in order to achieve a large workflow, it will attempt to perform similar tasks. As we know what will happen beyond the control of all of us, please check the flexibility of your schedule fixed. I lost a lot of time flying from one project to another one first, and I was not always organized. However, I found the system to plan my day works well for my business in my house over time.

3. Stay Focused

Yes, I have a special room, I will be distracted by the door at home to stay focused is the essential office so easily. I I will be able to concentrate on the tasks to be performed because of the business and know when you are in this space. I have to work again for my company it is, my client is to ensure that it is possible to contact me, will work traditional business hours. You need to discover what works best for you. It is also to minimize the unwanted calls, it is necessary to other distractions, such as e-mail alerts, only the public, shows the current state of your best friend to Twitter and Facebook. After you meet the number of tasks, and then save these activities for future reference.

4. Organization and the appropriate tools

Organization is important, it is not a secret. I am the rest of the house, but do not care if the shipwreck absolute, in my home, so to organize your files and office, I need to access the task of all files and easily may be required.

To contribute in order to achieve the action you want to really work environment in this space. As I can feel like you are living in space, I think (even if there is a dining table or a corner of your home,) Home Office, and should make way cozy and comfortable as possible . My office is one of my favorite places in my house at home, I'm in. I have all the equipment to reach within walking distance of the images and objects that I want to show you It took time to work in an environment that takes. If you want to run such as saving a file chairs, big screen, working surface / desk, internet connection and a reliable, comfortable and spacious unit on the right, the business, you need to invest in equipment and software appropriate Please note that without performing the work is most important, and all shall be new. Purchase is used to invest in a position to invest in new equipment.

5. Chillax out

You do not mean you must be home to work just because you work at home. In addition, in order to ensure a change of scene on the way to the WiFi hot spot known as the local Starbucks, is a great way to break the monotony of a library or park, at home. I labor I spent my business at Starbucks, but you will need to purchase a lot of money on coffee and tea, he is also, to me through a network of other operators and a wide variety We are confident that given a meaningful connection.

When you start, you work 40 hours a week or more to get your business to the ramp-up, perhaps, still need a break. The secret of the last, very important, you will need to take a break in your working hours. While talking with friends by phone, instant messaging and Skype, I take a mental break. In addition, I have been using instant messaging to communicate with other businesses can be very useful if you are working on the problem. Is just as important as failing to go physical. I can tell the number of times that can not be a problem, I took the dog for a walk, came up with a solution. 

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